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Judge Not

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye. “Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you. Matthew 7:1-6 (ESV)  "Judge not" has become the mantra of our culture as it increasingly seeks to equate tolerance  with acceptance . Many people attempt to use Jesus's words here as a means to prohibit someone from evaluating the choices of another. The irony is, these same people are guilty of the very thing Jesus is warning us about. It is obvious

The Struggle is Real

Where there are people, there are problems. I know this isn't a new epiphany, but this is the thought that came to mind in light of our recent series on Covenant Membership. As I continued through my Bible reading plan this morning, I was reminded that the church is not the building, but the people; the imperfect people. It doesn't matter which church you call home, eventually the imperfection of others, and your own  imperfection will come to the surface. This isn't just true within the walls of your church building. It is also true in the walls of your home. It is true in your marriage, in your family, in your neighborhood, at your office, at the gym, and at the grocery store. Everywhere you go, you are surrounded by people who make mistakes, and your church is no exception. All of this imperfection means that in all of our relationships, roles, and responsibilities we will eventually be faced with problems given enough time .  We live in a broken and sinful world and we

Serving the Community During COVID-19

The Schools in Wilkes County will have asked for help serving breakfast (7:30-8:30) and lunch (11:30-12:30). Below are the numbers for the schools in our surrounding area that may need help. Please contact these schools if you are available in order to see if there is a need for volunteers. Mulberry Elementary (336) 667-4641 Mountain View Elementary (336) 696-5512 North Wilkesboro Elementary (336) 838-2872 North Middle (336) 903-6224 North High (336) 903-4040 Care for those around you who are elderly or immuno-compromised Pick up groceries or medications Call or Send a message to let them know they are not alone Volunteer to help someone who is still working Offer to help with child care due to school closures Run an errand for them while they are at work since many businesses are closing early Support the healthcare workers you know Send them a text message of encouragement Deliver a meal or run an errand while they are at work Donate Foo

Divisions and Distractions

Strutting His Stuff One of the most beautiful birds is the peacock. The male's train of feathers can be up to six feet long, creating up to sixty percent of its length. When looking to attract a mate, the peacock will spread out his plumage in a colorful display, fanning his feathers at a rate of twenty-six times per second with the hopes of catching the eye of a female. It is a very proud exhibition. The colorful display, the rhythmic movement, the exaggerated strut, and the shrill vocalizations are the male's way of saying, "Look at me! I am the one you are looking for!" There is an air of confidence as the male "struts his stuff." The Church at Corinth As I was reading Paul's first letter to the church in Corinth this morning, the display of the peacock immediately came to mind. This local body of believers had a problem. Rather than being united in their pursuit of Jesus and the gospel message, they were divided by the messengers of t

I Feel Ya

The room was uncomfortably hot and muggy. The air was stale and had a faint odor, some kind of combination of mildew and the bleach used in an effort to clean it. The padded chairs had grown increasingly harder throughout the day and although the past 8 hours had been informative, the speaker was rather dry, his monotone droning made our eyelids heavy. Those meetings that last all day can be dreadful. Especially in an uncomfortable environment. As my co-worker sat beside me, we found ourselves continually checking the clock on the wall, hoping the speaker would take notice and finally wrap things up. As we sat there, I whispered, "I am so ready to get out of here." My friend put his tapped his hand on his chest and replied, "I feel ya man." I've always enjoyed reading, writing, and just words in general. The way language changes and the clever ways we communicate our thoughts and feelings can be fascinating. Of course, hopefully, no one reading this woul

A Bible Reading Plan For Every Age

As we enter a new year, it is a great time to commit to a new Bible reading plan. With the technology that most of us carry in our pockets each day, finding and sticking with a reading plan has never been easier. There are several apps that you can download that have a variety of plans to choose from and also offer several English translations you can use to make the most of your devotional time. For my own personal preference, I enjoy both the ESV and NIV. I typically use the ESV for more in-depth study and the NIV for reading through a reading plan. This past year, I was introduced to the NIVr , an excellent bible for younger or slower readers, and as we begin 2020, my goal is to encourage my own children to read their Bibles more often. There are several different ways that we can encourage our children to read. We can take time each week to read with them, possibly through one particular book of the Bible. The Gospel of John in the New Testament, or the book of Ruth in the

Study Guide: Galatians 5:16-26

1.        Why is the Holy Spirit so vital to the life of a believer? 2.        What does it mean to “walk” by the Spirit? (correlates to what word in v18) a.        Exodus 31:3 b.        Ephesians 5:18 3.        How do these verses relate to what is said regarding the work of the flesh? a.        Flesh Defined – Galatians 2:20 b.        Practice – How can missing this one word change how we read this passage? c.        Works Evident – Romans 1:18-22, 1 John 3:10 d.        Results – Galatians 5:21, Galatians 6:8, Romans 6:23 4.        Examine the Negative List a.        Are there words that need to be defined or clarified? b.        Is there any order, progression, or anything that stands out in this list? 5.        Examine the Positive List a.        Are there words that need to be defined or clarified? b.        Is there any order, progression, or anything that stands out in this list? 6.        Paul is addressing the Galatians who have been trick

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Study Guide: Galatians 5:16-26

1.        Why is the Holy Spirit so vital to the life of a believer? 2.        What does it mean to “walk” by the Spirit? (correlates to what word in v18) a.        Exodus 31:3 b.        Ephesians 5:18 3.        How do these verses relate to what is said regarding the work of the flesh? a.        Flesh Defined – Galatians 2:20 b.        Practice – How can missing this one word change how we read this passage? c.        Works Evident – Romans 1:18-22, 1 John 3:10 d.        Results – Galatians 5:21, Galatians 6:8, Romans 6:23 4.        Examine the Negative List a.        Are there words that need to be defined or clarified? b.        Is there any order, progression, or anything that stands out in this list? 5.        Examine the Positive List a.        Are there words that need to be defined or clarified? b.        Is there any order, progression, or anything that stands out in this list? 6.        Paul is addressing the Galatians who have been trick

Do Not Lose Heart

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Fully Known, Fully Loved

When we have people in our lives that are close to us, those individuals that really "get us", we treasure those relationships and consider ourselves to be very fortunate. In my own life, I think about my wife, someone who is familiar with not only my ambitions and motivations but also my fears and struggles. I think about my oldest son, who shares a common interest in music, enjoys watching constant reruns of "The Office", and has a similar sense of humor. When we say that someone "gets us",  we are saying that this person is more than just an acquaintance. This is someone who knows more than a few basics facts about us. This is someone who is dear to us because they know us on a deeper, personal level. Today, as I was reading a verse that I have read so many times before, I found myself coming to a complete stop. So many times I had read this verse or heard someone teaching this passage with my eyes looking towards the future that I had missed