The room was uncomfortably hot and muggy. The air was stale and had a faint odor, some kind of combination of mildew and the bleach used in an effort to clean it. The padded chairs had grown increasingly harder throughout the day and although the past 8 hours had been informative, the speaker was rather dry, his monotone droning made our eyelids heavy. Those meetings that last all day can be dreadful. Especially in an uncomfortable environment. As my co-worker sat beside me, we found ourselves continually checking the clock on the wall, hoping the speaker would take notice and finally wrap things up. As we sat there, I whispered, "I am so ready to get out of here." My friend put his tapped his hand on his chest and replied, "I feel ya man." I've always enjoyed reading, writing, and just words in general. The way language changes and the clever ways we communicate our thoughts and feelings can be fascinating. Of course, hopefully, no one reading this woul...
Anytime someone asks me how God speaks to us today, my first response is through the Bible. God's primary means of communicating to us about who he is and who we are is found in his own revelation to us in Scripture. In the Old Testament, he speaks to us throughout history, through poetry, through his law, and by the mouths of his prophets. In the New Testament, he speaks through his Son - Jesus, as we read the eye-witness accounts of the gospels, see the creation and confession of the early church, and are encouraged by the writings of the apostles. God primarily speaks through his word... but he can also speak through our circumstances, through situations and other people. This morning, I was reminded of the latter. In our Sunday School class, we have decided to devote one Sunday each month to focus on prayer. Rather than have prayer be the two shorter bookends to a longer lesson or lengthy discussion, one Sunday each month we have decided to invert our "order of se...