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From the Desk of Corruption

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Corru P Tion

Attacking the Family

When we first discussed our strategy to begin our assault on the family, I must admit that I was unconvinced that this simple scheme would grant us an advantage. However, upon studying all of the available research I not only believe we can gain the upper hand but a decided victory. As you will see, by beginning our attack on the role of the husband and father, we not only bring devastation to the family but have the opportunity to affect society as a whole. As we wait for their love of the book to wax cold, familiarize yourself with this plan of attack and be prepared for war. 

Attacking Biblical Manhood

The first stage of our attack will be against those who are husbands and fathers among them. There are several approaches that can be utilized to assist in disrupting their effort to raise children in the discipline and instruction of their God.

We might begin by replacing the time they might have used to lead their families with selfish ambition and a desire to lose themselves in their hobbies of choice. This selfishness will create men who no longer seek opportunities to love and serve their wife, and will damage their relationship with their children, leaving them with a skewed view of what it means to have a father that loves them.

This image can be reinforced by how we portray husbands and fathers in society. Through television, movies, books, and music we can create the stereotype that men in these roles are apathetic, lazy, harsh, and weak.

We know that man was designed to be a loving leader called to serve and cultivate his family. By stripping away his desire to lovingly lead and serve, the cracks in the family will surely surface, and without a godly example, the husbands and fathers of the future will follow suit and biblical manhood will be lost among a generation of boys who never grew up.

Attacking Biblical Womanhood

The second stage of our attack will be against the wives and mothers of these same men, specifically in the wake of their efforts to hold the family together without the support of a loving and serving husband. From our research, we are confident that this will create one of two responses.

The wife may be overwhelmed by anxiety and depression as she attempts to pick up the pieces of her family that are beginning to crumble, or she may become bitter, angry, and resentful to her irresponsible husband. Either way, the effects on the family will be negative.

As we create conflict in the home between the wife and her husband, we disrupt God's design for her as a loving support for her husband and place upon her so much weight that she too eventually has little time to offer any instruction for her children.

Again we will paint an image on television, movies, books, and music, but this time rather than setting the bar low, we will set the bar extremely high. We will present an idea of womanhood that no woman can possibly make a reality. We will show them that to be a woman means that you have it all together, that you can juggle work, picking up the kids, cleaning the house, getting your masters, and cooking a three-course meal all while being an avid runner and swimsuit model.

We will lie to them, and they will believe it. We will set reality before them like a mirage and they will die in a desert of want. A lifetime of fantasy, bitterness, and comparison.

Attacking Biblical Childhood

The final stage of our assault will be on the children within these broken families. It is here that the ingenuity of this plan is plainly seen. Without the leadership and instruction of a loving father and in response to the insecurity, anxiety, and depression of an overburdened mother, the children will be without a sense of identity and source of hope.

Some will follow the examples that are set before them, boys becoming men with no drive, passion, or responsibility, girls becoming women who will forever feel defeated and worthless. Others will decide that the absence of any authority and truth means that they must create their own.

This will be the generations that truly give us an advantage within all of society. These will be the ones who will begin to create a world that reflects their own truth, one that is relative, devoid of absolutes. A society that increasing calls what is evil good, and that which is good evil.

It will begin early and be called childhood rebellion, but this rebellion will gain traction, they will grow in number and eventually, this rebellion will turn into a revolution. The genius of this plan is they will believe this revolution is new, that this rejection of truth that has infiltrated their entire society began with them, but we will know the real truth. 

This rebellion has existed from the beginning, it is the same rebellion that began long ago in the garden. We attacked God's design for the family then, and it is the same strategy we follow today, it is a proven method, we have just adjusted our approach.

Onward to battle


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